(Burner account so take this with a grain of salt) Read more
A bit of Metal Wolf Chaos vibes right there Read more
Wario64 tweets for a million different products a day though. I'd limit my follow to someone only tweeting PS5 and XBox stock alerts. Also have CC and shipping info presaved to the major sites (consider connecting a CC to Paypal which is quicker than paying on a page) and if you get one in your cart then get a message… Read more
Cheap Ass Gamer on Twitter is awesome as well for stock alerts https://twitter.com/videogamedeals Read more
Hearty endorsement for Wario64 here. I got my PS5 easy peasy launch week by being willing to take a bundle with an extra controller. Read more
What worked for me as far as getting a PS5 went, was getting the Wario64 alert and a text from a friend saying the console was in stock for in store pick up at Best Buy. I checked all the stores in the Las Vegas area and none of them listed anything available. I have family in Atlanta, so I checked stores around them,… Read more
Few services are more invaluable for tracking down a next-gen console than stock alert sites like HotStock.io Read more
I’m wary of the steam deck. The games weren’t made to run like this. The steam deck is effectively trying to do pc gaming, on a small screen, on an operating system most of these games weren’t designed for, without a real keyboard, with a touchpad instead of a mouse. While none of these by themselves are… Read more
My cat Miho (who also looks a lot like Milo) loves to share her wisdom with people on discord (mainly on the server I mod for) regurarly. Read more
I resonate w/ what your cat is saying in this piece. :3 Read more
Maybe it’s because I liked the smell it gave off or because I just thought it was cool (especially at the airport going from platform to platform) but seeing the Atlanta train gave me a nostalgic melancholy. I should be happy to see something that I associate so strongly with my hometown but instead, it fills me with… Read more
I’m extremely excited for the potential of this game. During quarantine my roommate and I got really into Smash and have had lots of fun with it. But the online component is just absolute hot garbage and really kills any desire to play it longer than an hour or so. The devs don’t even have to make the best fighting… Read more
Too sour for me is if the candy gives me a canker sore after one piece/bite. Sour Skittles have never done that to me (they may have caused one after two or three pieces, but at that point I should fully understand what I’m undertaking by eating them and can’t really be mad at it). So, I’m rather excited about these…