Giphy, the popular GIF-making and sharing platform, launched a new web tool today that allows you to make GIFs right…
Giphy, the popular GIF-making and sharing platform, launched a new web tool today that allows you to make GIFs right…
Pyre is a sports game about starting a revolution. In a worse game, that would be a joke, but Pyre takes both its…
In case seeing Persona 5 wasn’t impressive enough, here’s footage of another big PS3 game—Demon’s Souls—being…
Markus “Hippaheikki” Kokkonen just secured a second first-place finish in this year’s In The Groove World Cup. The…
Some games focus on escapism while others seek to render the world with some semblance of digital realism. American…
Nobody, I guess. We’re all just very impressed by Jay’s cosplay of the character, as he appears in Telltale’s Fables…
When everything in the physical world is getting uploaded onto some great supercomputer in space, you will find me…
In 2012, longtime Kingdom Hearts director Tai Yasue told us his dream world would be Toy Story. Now it’s happening.…
It is as if you were doing work, a new browser game by impish developer Pippin Barr, simulates puttering around…
“I think we’d do better with a healer,” I suggested to my Overwatch team earlier this week. We were in the spawn…
In April, we posted a video of Persona 5 running quite poorly on the PC via an emulator. Now, only a few months…
Today thousands of websites are protesting the government’s recent threats against net neutrality, a harbinger of…
Laika animator Kevin Parry’s “100 Walks” is a reference video for animators that’s pretty fun for the rest of us,…
In PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, the only thing 50 players gathered in the same small space are supposed to do is…
In a flashback scene in Naoko Ogigami’s Close-Knit, a mother named Fumiko comes home to find her child Rintaro, who…
There’s a trailer out for a fan project called Mega Maker that aims to do what Nintendo’s Super Mario Maker did for…
There have been a number of great matches at the event, and Cloud9's push to the grand finals has fans hyped, but…
Last month, fans following the development of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 spotted something strange. Tetsuya Nomura,…
Yesterday, the big joke involved a picture of U.S. Vice President Mike Pence at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center,…
The highlight of this week’s Summer Games Done Quick marathon happened very early this morning, as the charismatic…