Why apologize? Because I don’t think we should be running uncensored screenshots of animations of young characters from popular fiction having sex. I’m not saying we should write about it or even in some fashion show people what it is we’re talking about, but how we presented it exceeded what many readers expected.
I… Read more
The end of the trailer said Windows PC. Given that Microsoft is going to be publishing stuff on Steam too, it’s not a leap to say that it’s coming to Steam when it releases.
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maybe people should stop looking to tv and movies for life guidance and just enjoy them Read more
For a very different example, there’s Game Of Thrones. In the first episode, in 2011, a young woman is basically sold into marriage to a murderous psychopath who forcefully takes her on their wedding night. Everyone is like, “Yes, okay, now we know that this kind of thing happens on this show.” Then exactly the same… Read more
For me, the nadir of what you’re talking about were the three think-pieces I saw on the recent Spider-Man video game about how Spider-Man collaborates with the NYPD to apprehend criminals. There was one on Deadspin (why? -- who knows?), one on Kotaku, and one on Polygon. I walked away from all three just thinking that… Read more
That was a near tipping point for me as well. I stuck with it a little longer, but it became obvious this series would be never-ending formulaic drivel.
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I agree with everything except: Read more
What really gets me is the over-hyping of the show. It’s good and all but do you really need to dissect every single episode afterwards? It all became way too much. Read more
My wife and I watched this show FOR YEARS off the strength of the first season, and 2-3 good episodes sprinkled among the boring trash of seasons 2-6. At a certain point, we started watching it just to give it the MST3K treatment; eventually, we just stopped really paying attention to it. We stopped watching after… Read more
This is an excellent assessment in my opinion, as much as I knew the show. Hope you don’t mind, but I couldn’t help reading it in Eugene’s voice. Read more
The scene where Rick rounds the corner on his horse, and ends up in the tank was some of the most compelling television I’ve ever seen.
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