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Arcade Gaming In The Least Likely Of Places

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SNAPSHOT | OSAKA, JAPAN: Some supermarkets are for shopping, but this one is for gaming. (Photo: Brian Ashcraft)

Wake Up, Kotaku

Dynasty Warriors Studio Vandalized With "Shit Game" Graffiti Koei, the Yokohama-based game company best known for Dynasty Warriors, was recently vandalized. The studio's offices were graffitied with red spray paint.


The First 3D Pin-Up Photos For The Nintendo 3DS If the success of Julie Watai's 3D photos are any indication, this could be the start of something big.


The Man Who Already Broke His Brand New Nintendo 3DS Over the weekend, the Nintendo 3DS finally went on sale in the West. Kotaku reader Alastair saved for months to get his own Aqua Blue 3DS. Then, he totally ruined it.


Is The 3DS Suffering From A "Black Screen Of Death"? Now that the 3DS is in the hands of customers across the Western world, people are finally playing the thing in large numbers. Large enough, it seems, to have found a "black screen of death" error affecting the handheld.


Only In The 80's Would They Put Video Games On A VHS Tape Video games have made their home on any number of storage mediums over the years, from compact discs to cassette tapes to plastic cartridges. Someone even, in the 1980s, thought it was a good idea to put them on video tapes.


Micro-Bash barfed all over the floor today - poor kid. He seemed okay during the weekend, but was kinda blergh this morning, leading to his upchucking all over the in-laws place. Tomorrow, to the doctor! Again! –Brian Ashcraft

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