Doom Eternal is coming to Xbox Game Pass on October 1 and that got me thinking about Doom. I like Doom a lot. I’ve written about it many times before on Kotaku and it seems like it’s about time I sit down and rank all the demons who have appeared in Doom games throughout the years.
So here you go, the definitive list ranking all the Doom demons (and other enemies), from best to worst:
1. Cacodemon
2. Hell Knight
3. Spider Mastermind
4. Cyberdemon
5. Revenant
6. Imp
7. Baron of Hell
8. Pinky Demon
9. Arachnatron
10. Mancubus

11. Cyber Mancubus
12. Icon of Sin
13. Vagary
14. Whiplash
15. Tyrant
16. The Gladiator
17. Dread Knight
18. Spectre
19. Nightmare Spectre
20. Nightmare Imp
21. Mother Demon
22. Sawcubus
23. Hellhounds
24. Kronos
25. Cherub
26. Wraith
27. Shotgun Guy
28. Carcass
29. Bruiser
30. Maledict

31. Summoners
32. Prowlers
33. Gargoyles
34. Soldiers
35. Pain Elemental
36. Doom Hunter
37. Ticks
38. Trites
39. Zombies
40. Arch-Viles
41. Marauders
42.Lost Souls
43. Khan Maykr
44. Sentry Bots
45. Maykr Drones
46. Maggots
47. Hell Guards
48. Hell Razers
49. Sabaoth
50. Any that I forgot
51. The fucking Nazis that show up in secret Doom II levels.
I assume we all agree with this list and there will be 0 comments on this post.