The Mass Effect 2 Box Art Saga Continues
Comment by: BigManMalone
Nominated by: mr_godot
Phew... for a second there I thought we were going to get that first ugly box art, but thank God we're getting the second ugly box art instead.
The Games That Missed The October Top 10
Comment by: Psudonym
Nominated by: Antiterra
Traversing the halls, I find more ghosts than foes. Villains and heroes alike, we are lost in these endless depths hunting for our elusive ends. To hear that the spirit horde grows numerous is emboldening, but it too is frightening. Liars leave their glowing runes among those which read true, and distrust spreads to all. The black phantoms are countless, relentless in their nature. No one alive is spared from the hunt. Friendship is rare, and some allies are unsavory.
We are many who have chosen the path of Demon's Souls, many more than would have been believed. We walk this path of blood. Our cold comfort measured in ghosts, our equals, all lost and damned together.
Frankenreview: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Comment by: Fernando-Rocker
Nominated by: shouryuuken
Kotaku Game Club: Modern Warfare 2 Discussion Resumes.. NOW (Levels 4-6)
Comment by: NeöStarr
Nominated by: Paul Usoro
I think the presentation of the No Russian mission really highlighted the potential impact games can have as an art form. A lot of people think that interactivity is exclusive to video games but all art could be considered interactive in the way that it demands its audience to think about what is being presented to them. The difference between video games and other art forms is that there's a level of control that figures into and expands that interactivity and this is the first case I've seen where a game has really exploited its potential. I felt much more unsettled by the atrocities presented in this level than I did by the ones presented in, say, Schindler's List or any other work I've digested that presents such things. Ever since I've played it I've been trying to wrap my head around why that might be and I don't think I've come up with a definitive answer (perhaps some of you feel the same way and might be able to enlighten me?), but I do think the control plays a huge factor. I can accept what I see in films and books and paintings because I know that they are fabrications and what is presented is a reflection of the intentions of the artist rather than my own. Video games are also fabrications, but my own actions play a much larger part in the outcome of of the events portrayed. While I'm still forced to play in a number of ways in which the developer intended me to play it, it also forces me to think about how I am interacting with the work, whereas with other art forms its just so easy to make a passive judgment on first glance (that picture is pretty, this writing is kinda sloppy, etc.). I think that creates a whole new thought process in my mind that surpasses the way I'd normally examine a work of art and really brings a part of my own ideologies into play.
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