The Great Xbox 360 Robbery
Comment by: The Swearing Gramps
Nominated by: Mr Pappzy lurves Orange Soda
Don't worry. Microsoft will get em all back within a year or so.
Hey Americans, Why The BBQ? Why? Why? Why?
Comment by: monkeysaresilly
Nominated by: (Zombie) Jolan
I doubt there was any actual symbolism with the cookout. Can you imagine Franklin and Jefferson hanging out, having their slaves slather ribs with some secret Liberty sauce, going,
"I do say Benjamin, this meat is delectable! Note how the tomato-based marinade perfectly symbolizes the blood shed from our fallen brothers in the great fight for freedom. We roast it, just as we *fired* upon our hated redcoat rivals!"
"You're an idiot, Tom."
President of Russia in Erotic Game
Comment by: Leave it to Japan to come up with craaazy ideas. A woman president.
Nominated by: Dangeresque the Observer
Leave it to Japan to come up with craaazy ideas.
A woman president.
Toast Your Cursed Existence With The Legendary Lich King Stein
Comment by: The most ornate container you will ever pee into because you couldn't abandon your raid.
Nominated by: svenhoek: Still Happy Pitt Won!
The most ornate container you will ever pee into because you couldn't abandon your raid.
Congrats! You Win An Xbox 360 With A Messed Up Slot
Comment by: zach a mac rack alack
Nominated by: (Zombie) Jolan
Well, Molyneux had to exaggerate it somehow, and in this case it was the functionality.
Video Game Question For The Advice Columnist
Comment by: Southrncomfortjm
Nominated by: NeoStarr
Here's what you do: you ask the kid (1) what he learned at school that day and then you ask him (2) what he learned at his friends house. If the answer to (1) is "nothing" and (2) is "how to get a prostitute to blow me and then get my money back without the cops catching me" then you *might* have a problem. However if answers to both (1) and (2) are "nothing" then you have a perfectly normal boy.
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