Shigeru Miyamoto has created a plethora of game characters and games. Many of his ideas come from his hobbies. He…
You'd think that the guy who created Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda and Wii Music wouldn't have any…
It's easy to make fun of Wii Music, but remember, it still sold over two million units. Which probably explains why…
I got kicked out of choir in middle school and ever since, I've limited my study of music to whatever Guitar Hero…
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata reminded attendees of the company's financial results briefing that it does not…
The program isn't using the game to teach music, it's just meant to engage student in the arts, to get them…
Wii Music didn't become the breakout hit Nintendo was hoping for. It was a sales disappointment of sorts. Nintendo…
These are such things as dreams are made on, the colorful concepts of dying developers, the universes that will…
Nintendo is teaming with The National Association for Music Education to get the Wii and Wii Music into schools, the…
Wii Music challenges players to use their imagination to make their Wii remote and nunchuck into musical…
Wii Music hasn't set the world ablaze. Still, it is an "evergreen title" — to use the proper Nintendo lingo. That,…
While it never exactly resonated with the more discerning end of the video game buying public, the average man on…
Nintendo seems convinced that people just need to try Wii Music to be enchanted and buy the game. They're so…
Shigeru Miyamoto is a great game designer, we all know that. He's an incredibly insightful and intelligent man.…
Cheerleaders might think it's "bullshit". Bands might think it's not the best. It might put dogs to sleep...…
Brain Training is really Studying: The Game. Wii Fit is Standing Straight: The Game. Wii Music is Noodling: The…
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While Wii Music has been getting a tepid reception, at least Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto is excited. Really, really,…
Wii Music, as you may already know, topped Japanese sales charts in its debut week. While the Media Create numbers…
Wii Music was the subject of a substantial marketing campaign that hit while we were in Japan for Tokyo Game Show.…