The cyberpunk dystopian future of Blade Runner, with its artificial landscapes, might never become a reality. We’re…
In mid-November, Quantic Dream registered the domain singularityps4.com, suggesting a title and system for the…
Looks like rumors that Roland Emmerich, the director behind such films as Independence Day, The Patriot and The Day…
Most of the time on Fine Art I look at new stuff, or at least somewhat contemporary art. Sometimes, though, I like…
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Fallout: New Vegas and Singularity (pictured) headline the six nominees for the…
The developer behind Singularity, Wolfenstein and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance was hit with layoffs today, according…
Heavy Rain and Madden NFL 11 lead the charge into a day filled with PlayStation 3 deals in Amazon's shiny golden…
Optimus Prime leads the charge as Amazon.com charges the day with deals on Singularity, Metro 2033, Red Dead…
Seen by Kotaku reader spivak26. It's referring to this quote from the film.
Activision and Raven Software release a first-person shooter with a time-traveling twist. Is this Sierra's…
People know I'm a fan of Lost, so they send me Lost sightings. Such as this Lost "donkey wheel" in new first-person…

Not sure what Singularity is all about? This trailer for its multiplayer - now there's an irony - should clue you…
The latest episode of Kotaku Talk Radio is ready for you to download. Listen to an hour of conversation between me…
Time-warping? Gunplay? Raven Software? Sounds like Singularity to me. Give us a call for a chance to talk to the…
Jeff Poffenbarger (not pictured above) is going to talk some Singularity live on Kotaku Talk Radio a little later…
With close to half of the team at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward bailing on the troubled…
Raven Software's oft-delayed sci-fi shooter Singularity will get a little help from last year's open-world action…