Proven countless times over the past several years alone, video games are a form of entertainment uniquely suited to…
Surprising more or less exactly nobody, In a Permanent Save State, a serious game based around the suicides of…

In a Permanent Save State is not meant to be particularly fun. It's a serious game, by artist Benjamin Poynter,…
When I think of "DARPA," and "video games," my mind leaps to Metal Gear Solid. The Defense Advanced Research…

Researchers have looked at mainstream video games for years, trying to determine the effects games have on…

Scott Laidlaw is slowing down the pace on educational math games.
Brothers Ondrej and Marek Spanel—who spent their childhood in communist Czechoslovakia playing Atari games "bought…

Armed with M-4 automatic rifles, swathed in body armor and combat fatigues, the five man U.S. Special Forces…
The Dubai Police Force is looking for a game developer to help them create a virtual training program for their…
Serious Games Interactive's newest 3D role-playing game touches on the tough topic of Child Soldiers in African…
After what she says was ages of misrepresentation in books, films, and television, Norfolk University history…
Is it possible to educate about teen dating violence through a violence-free video game?
The program isn't using the game to teach music, it's just meant to engage student in the arts, to get them…
We first wrote about newsgame Airport Security back in 2006, today Ian Bogost reports that an iPhone version of the…
Whosegame is right in the middle of their first annual Serious Games competition which runs from Dec. 8, 2008 to Mar…
Chris Bateman (of Only a Game) has a thought provoking article on his new, games only blog on whether or not a game…
Another weekend, another call for papers! This time around it's the Games+Learning+Society 5.0 conference, June…
We mentioned the somewhat odd BusinessWeek Arcade back when it launched; now Ian Bogost has taken up the whys and…
A few weeks ago, designer Brice Morrison talked about how a game designer outgrew games; since kicking off a flurry…
A couple of Kotakuites have written to underline what I'd already noticed — the lists of the 2009 Independent Games…