Liz Mair once led the RNC's media efforts to elect John McCain
In the aptly named Tea Party Zombies Must Die players get a chance to mow down a shambling horde of conservatives…
People might want the Alaska politician-cum-celebrity's autograph, but maybe just not on an Xbox 360 for a million…
Election Day was yesterday, but so what, none of these politicians in NBA Jam were candidates. When the game hits…
I'd love to know which common foe it is that united these arch-nemeses. Picture by longtime Kotaku reader and former…
Not Sarah Palin, don't start, we're not going there again, no Sarah Palin, no, no, no. Bayonetta designer Hideki…
The Sarah Palin/Bayonetta jokes are officially played out, by decree of the Platinum Games designer Hideki Kamiya.…
The PayPal, you see, she could not handle a payment of $1.1 million. That's why this Xbox 360 said to be autographed…
President Obama tells us to "put away the Xbox." Sarah Palin? She'll sign it! This Xbox 360 allegedly autographed by…
Bayonetta, the over-the-top action brawler from Platinum Games, just got bumped into January 2010, Sega announced…
With the election proper only a day away, gamers' thoughts naturally turn to one thing - video games featuring…
Oh, you thought we were done with the Sarah Palin shit? Well think again, my friends. After last Sunday's post about…
All you guys told me STFU this morning and post about video games, not politics. Well, suck it. Pwn or Die has a…
And it's a flash game. A UK-based dev is behind Polar Palin, which has players take on the role of a polar bear…
We gotta give it to God of War creator David Jaffe: Dude speaks his mind. Says what he honestly thinks. And he…