Let's say there's a spectrum. On the one end, hunched in a leather jacket and stubbing out a cigarette on its boot…
Let's say there's a spectrum. On the one end, hunched in a leather jacket and stubbing out a cigarette on its boot…
The key to Rock Band's lasting appeal hasn't been the core games. It's been the ton of downloadable content released…
Wii owners, there will be no more Rock Band Network songs for you after January 18. Rock Band developer Harmonix…
Truly terrible arcade-inspired album Pac-Man Fever is coming to Rock Band Network next year, letting Rock Band…
Harmonix's Rock Band will add its 2000th song—not including songs from The Beatles—on Tuesday, October 12 with the…
Harmonix is making Rock Band's already massive song list a little heavier next week, adding a fresh injection of…
Next week's Rock Band additions are certainly an eclectic mix, ranging from Christian pop to German industiral to…
They said it would never happen. But MTV Games and Harmonix aren't going to let discriminating taste get in the way…
Patient fans of The Beatles, your wait and see approach to the originally high priced The Beatles: Rock Band has…
Rock Band is getting a powerful hit of Jimi Hendrix starting next week. No, we mean it this time. The Jimi Hendrix…
MTV Games and Harmonix put a little more Jack and Meg in your copies of Rock Band, Rock Band 2 and LEGO Rock Band, a…
Next week's batch of Rock Band, Rock Band 2 and LEGO Rock Band downloadable tracks leads with mood rockers…
All the tracks from Megadeth's iconic 1990 album "Rust In Peace" will be added to the Rock Band Music Store on…
Rock Band expands next week with a batch of live tracks from Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, plus a smattering of new…
Harmonix, clearly knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em, has gone all in—in terms of bringing exactly seven…
Picking up that Old Navy gift card for your little sister could pay off this Black Friday, when the clothing…
The 18-song Walmart exclusive AC/DC Live: Rock Band Track Pack, which went out a year ago, will be available at…
Can't make the Child's Play party in Denver on November 19? I know I can't, so I'm going to Ümloud! in San Francisco…
The Rock Band warehouses must be bursting with Special Edition sized boxes, because MTV Games is practically giving…