MTV Games and Harmonix are bringing cowbell classic "Hair of the Dog" from Nazareth to Rock Band next week alongside a batch of classic and arena rock from Hawkwind, Motörhead, Blue Öyster Cult and more.
Rock Band and Rock Band 2 owners can enjoy seven new tracks and double the umlauts starting on January 26 for the Xbox 360 and Wii, January 28 for the PlayStation 3. Pricing for each of the following is (deep breath) $1.99 USD, £.99 UK, €1.49 EU, 160 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360 per track and $2.00 USD (or 200 Wii Points) per track.
Hey! There's some Rage Against The Machine in this list, too! Look!
- Blue Öyster Cult – "Godzilla"
- Blue Öyster Cult – "Transmaniacon MC"
- Hawkwind – "Master of the Universe"
- I Mother Earth – "Levitate"
- Motörhead – "Killed by Death '08"
- Nazareth – "Hair of the Dog" (2008 re-recording)
- Rage Against the Machine – "Bulls on Parade"