Inside a publisher or a studio, there are few surprises when a video game bombs in its reviews. Before it goes from…
EA Sports today canceled its troubled NBA Live 13 project. It is the second time in three years that sports video…
Though recently promoted to Electronic Arts' chief operating officer, EA Sports' old boss, Peter Moore, still is…
About this time last year, at E3, I was chewing the fat with a 2K Sports representative about NBA 2K11 which already…
After the disastrous, last minute cancellation of NBA Elite 11, Electronic Arts is keeping its basketball sim video…
In sports collectibles, one company's mistake is another man's fortune. (Ask Billy Ripken.) Five months after NBA…
The last-minute cancellation of EA Sports' NBA Elite 11 this fall isn't supposed to happen to any video game. How?…
With NBA Jam on shelves and earning praise (deservedly), EA Sports is being a little more candid about NBA Elite,…
Have we done this joke? We have? We have. Alas. Well, Kevin Durant can tell Dwight Howard that he did in fact star…
Electronic Arts has officially canceled NBA Elite 11. The disastrously delayed basketball sim has been completely…
EA has issued its latest round off layoffs today, describing them as "season roll-offs," which sounds much more…
With NBA Elite 11 indefinitely postponed, EA Sports promised to continue supporting NBA Live 10 with a fully updated…
GameStop today listed the Xbox 360 and PS3 version of NBA Jam for $49.99 with a street date of Nov. 16. The game…
Trey Smith, the creative director for the recently released NBA Jam, would like to see a kinder, gentler gamer…
EA Sports' decision to indefinitely delay NBA Elite 11 doesn't affect plans for the mobile version of the game. It…
The creative director for NBA Jam has said the Xbox 360 and PS3 version of the game will now have as much of the Wii…
NBA Elite 11 was indefinitely postponed on Monday, a week before its commercial release. I didn't receive any disc…
Kevin Durant, the cover athlete for NBA Elite 11, "spoke with noticeably more sullenness" in his first comments…
Yesterday, we reported that a delay of NBA Elite 11's release lasting past the end of the year jeopardizes the sale…