From the architecture to the speed to the music, it just gets better with age

At first glance, Hot Lava seems little more than YouTube reaction fodder, a tricky platformer with plenty of things…

We’ve been running and jumping as Mario for decades, but always from a third-person perspective. A recently-released…

The original Mirror’s Edge is still so good, but the solo experience can only give you so much after all these…

Mirror’s Edge took people by surprise when it released back in 2008. The first-person parkour game was transportive,…

Mirror’s Edge is a 2008 game all about hardcore parkour and fluid movement. A new collaborative speedrun shows off…

Paying subscribers to Xbox Live can grab four games for “free” in September, two for Xbox One and two for Xbox 360.…
If there’s one thing every costume in Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst has in common, it’s that they all look like they…

The loading screens in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst are full of throwaway jokes, but one really caught my eye while…
For a game about daredevil stunts and high-flying acrobatics, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst plays it remarkably safe.
Near the entrance to your base in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, two young cyber-runner rebels have taken the aphorism…
EA has just announced a slight delay for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. The new release dates are June 7th for North America and June 9 for Europe. This is the second delay for the free-running first-person game, which was previously slated to come out in February but then moved to May 24.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst seemed like one of those games that was never going to happen, a sequel to a beloved game…
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst will have a closed beta, though details on how it’ll work haven’t been announced. EA has also released a new trailer for the game, focusing on the story. Still can’t believe we’re getting a new Mirror’s Edge!
Back when Techland first announced mod tools for their zombie-dropkicking parkour game Dying Light, my first thought…
Electronic Arts has announced that Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has been delayed from February 23 until May 24. No specific reason was given for the delay, other than needing more time for polish. We’ve waited years already, so why not a few more months? That’s what I’m trying to tell myself, anyway. Read more

I’m one of those people who could forgive Mirror’s Edge’s sins. It remains one of my favourite games, one I still…

At E3, we got a peek at gameplay for the series reboot, but now, here’s a look at an in-game mission. A five-minute…

When the developers of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst introduced their new game at E3, they mostly focused on how players…