The loading screens in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst are full of throwaway jokes, but one really caught my eye while playing last night. “If you see a rat the size of a car, you’re playing the wrong game.” Wait, what?
Intrigued, I dropped the phrase “Mirror’s Edge rat” into YouTube, in the hopes of learning...well, anything. It didn’t take long for a bunch of videos to crop up, showing off a strange Mirror’s Edge easter egg I’d missed.
In the original game, players had to perform a specific and unlikely set of actions to trigger the easter egg. Here’s how specific we’re talking:
- In chapter eight, when you have to a sniper rile, shoot the truck’s engine from the convoy, causing it to spin out of control
- Above the convoy is an ad with circles—shoot the middle circle
- Be patient
If things work out correctly, here’s what you’ll see:
Video Credit: Uiostar
Yep, that’s a giant rat. Weird? Weird.