In the latest episode of his podcast, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima took the time to bat down rumors in a new…
Back in 2005, Tokyo-based game maker Konami revealed it was working on a handful of titles for the then unreleased…
Konami has already released a special PS3 bundle for Metal Gear Solid 4. This new bundle isn't so special. But hey,…
Metal Gear Solid 4 is an epic game. But it's missing something. Rather, somethings. Those somethings are PlayStation…

Not exactly eight minutes, but close enough. This spring, Stealth series Metal Gear Solid is coming to the PSP. It…
Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima cannot be clear enough. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker isn't just some PSP…
Hollywood loves talking money — salaries, budgets, you name it. The game industry doesn't.
There's no denying it. Upcoming PS3 exclusive God of War III is a big game. But how big is big?
He loved it. The MGS creator was tickled pink. No, he was ticked octocamo pink.
Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaake! Metal Gear Solid 4 is getting its own set of key chains, complete with character designs and…
With the release of Metal Gear Solid 4, Japanese company Konami saw record high sales of ¥309.77 billion and 4.2…
This past March, Metal Gear Solid 4 went to Sony's Platinum budget line in Europe. Now, it's following suit for…
David Hayter, voice of character Snake Metal Gear Solid and Hollywood screenwriter, has formed a production company…
As revealed last week, Metal Gear Solid Touch basically retells the story of Metal Gear Solid 4 from a different…
That's Hideo Kojima. He makes Metal Gear Solid games and really likes movies — that last part is hard to believe, we…
It's foreign game panic day! Like Jun Takeuchi, Hideo Kojima is worried about Western games and Western developers.…
According to some upset posters over on the official LittleBigPlanet forums, the Metal Gear Solid DLC released for…
Early Metal Gear Solid 4 reviews might have been too flattering, and the cutscenes might have been too long. But MGS4…
In Japan, Santa Claus does not have a beard — just a mustache, and an eyepatch. Oh yes; your dreams are almost true.…
Big time game localizer and Yokai Attack author Matt Alt has finally picked up a copy of Metal Gear Solid 4. He's…