Following a long series of teases and leaks, 2K Games finally explained what’s going on with its recently announced Mafia: Trilogy
![The <i>Mafia</i> Series Is Getting Re-Released As <i>Mafia: Trilogy </i>[Update]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/nowgdnrifecuain5kqik.jpg)
Family. Power. Respect. Today we learned why the official Mafia Twitter account tweeted out those three words over…

One minute, you're talking to a sweet old Italian lady in Mafia II, the next, you're tripping balls.
PLUS MORE GAMING SECRETS AND RUMORS: Troubles at Trion | A Fable Mystery | And... Rockstar comic books?
PLUS MORE GAMING SECRETS AND RUMORS: Possible information on the new Deus Ex game, including its protagonist | Namco…
Proving once again that it pays to wait when it comes to the hottest PlayStation 3 games, today Sony is launching…
As ridiculous as that headline sounds, think about it for a second. Yeah, there you go.
Iain Andrews' site Steam Postcards has long been my wallpaper supplier of choice. Why? Because he plays games and…
In the runup to the game's release last year, Mafia II's development studio and publicity team tried, with limited…

While no character in Bulletstorm has the name, the game's script does seem overly concerned with the activities…
Italian-Americans wanted Mafia II banned because they said it portrayed offensive ethnic stereotypes. A European…

Mafia II returns to Empire Bay with "Joe's Adventures," the game's second paid DLC extension. Can its 24 new…
In the Western version of crime game Mafia II, there are vintage copies of Playboy as collectible items. The game…
Ultimately, Mafia II suffered from too much imagination and not enough substance; "Jimmy's Vendetta," its first…
"Joe's Adventures," a Mafia II DLC extension whose name has been known for some time, will arrive Nov. 23. A…
Denby Grace, the senior producer for 2K Games' Mafia II has apologized for a flip answer to a rather stock interview…
2K's Grace answers MTV's question with surprising candour. [image]
Yesterday, Rooster Teeth's Achievement Hunters compiled 200 instances of Mafia II using a four-letter word that…