Gaming Heads is the one responsible for this Mordin statue, which is good, ‘cause someone else might have gotten it wrong. Sorry. In any case, the statue stands 20.5 inches tall, will be out next year, and comes in two flavors: exclusive (with console) and regular (without console). Check below for a couple more pics.
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It's not that Malacath, the patron Daedra of Elder Scrolls' orc race, is a bad guy. He's just into solving…
I can understand a Skyrim statue, and those Doom plushies were about the cutest thing ever, but the latest fruit of…
He may not be the most popular video game mascot, but his fans love Sly Cooper with the force of a thousand lesser…
Kratos. Now there's a rage-filled video game character for you. Just look at him, perched there, glaring through the…
What wondrous timing! Just as a new, mech-free game mode is announced for Titanfall, we get a statue that's 75…
Two features attracted me to Asari researcher Liari T'soni in the original Mass Effect — her powerful biotics, and…
Gaming Heads has announced the follow-up to their Jak and Daxter figurine from last year. The new figure, which is based on the Jak II version of Jak and Daxter, is priced at $210, and limited to 850 pieces. For an extra $10, you can also grab the exclusive version, which is "painted in a special bronze finish." Read more
The lightest contact with Ryu's eyebrows from Gaming Heads new line of poseable Street Fighter plushies can probably…
And he's wielding the Blades of Chaos, to boot. You wouldn't want to mess with this one.
Garrus Vakarian was a humble C-Sec investigator until you set him free. In turn, he set your heart free with his…
The subject of Gaming Heads' next Elder Scrolls shrine replica is Azura, AKA Azurah, AKA The Daedric Prince of Dusk…
Not as cuddly as his plush counterpart, but undeniably badass.
Last year the folks at Gaming Heads brought upon this Earth a plague of cuddly, snuggly Cacodemons and Pain…
Look, Gaming Heads, I know you're all excited about introducing the new Tomb Raider line to the public, but who is…
Video game statue experts Gaming Heads have stared into the mouth of evil, and it licked their face and wriggled its…
It is our sunshine — our only sunshine. It makes us happy when skies are grey. Then it shoots us, but only because…
Collectible figures purveyor Gaming Heads announced a deal with Sony Computer Entertainment to produce a line of…
Collectible company Gaming Heads, the same folks behind those awesome Team Fortress 2 statues, have posted a…
Now available for preorder from the fine folks at Gaming Heads, this $299.99 statue of Skyrim's champion would not…