In the company's quarterly financial results briefing, Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata confessed that, yeah, internally…
They weren't everywhere like they used to be, but the return of booth babes to E3 was still noticeable. Noticeable…
Lots of sites and magazines will tell you what they thought the best stuff at E3 was. Heck, we did! But only one set…
With E3's hype train having come, paused then rattled off into the sunset, gamers are free to weigh up the holiday…
The cliffhanger at the end of yesterday's Chain Interview had Xbox exec John Schappert wanting to know what a Sony…
Remember the possible gaming revolution that will or could be OnLive? We recently connected some dots and asked…
When last we left off, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto was asking me to ask Metroid designer Yoshio Sakamoto when he…
The official Game Critics Best of E3 2009 award nominee list has been released, with Brutal Legend and Uncharted 2…
The selection of Scribblenauts as best game of E3 2009 by three major gaming outlets is a milestone for which we can…
Over the course of three days in Los Angeles earlier this month, one Kotaku reporter spoke to nine top industry…
E3 brought with it an avalanche of news, previews and interviews. So much hit the site over two weeks that plenty…
This year's annual E3 Expo gathering of video game developers, publishers and players brought with it an…
No game at E3 may have had a longer list of unexpected features than APB, Real Time Worlds' so-called crossing of…
Despite some signs of trouble earlier this year, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime told Kotaku why…
Two of the men leading the new Metroid Wii game told Kotaku about their narrative ambitions for the 2010 sequel…
Gearbox Software artists are sensitive about the whole cel-shading thing for Borderlands. They like to call it…
A bit earlier today I gushed about the look of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Here's a better look at some of the characters…
Kotaku recently asked Microsoft if the flourishing of non-gaming features like Netflix, Facebook, and…
Capcom returns to Raccoon City in Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, dropping gamers back into the…
With more than 125 million copies sold on more than 30 platforms, Tetris is rolling into its 25th Anniversary with…