One of the coolest things at E3 2010 was the zoom function for Xbox Live Arcade game Castlevania: Harmony of Despair. I had to see it. You do too.
I shot the quick video for this post after I confirmed that I hadn't been misled by the game's E3 trailer. That trailer showed a lot of classic Castlevania side-whipping action but also what looked like dozens of Super-Nintendo-era Castelvania screenshots quilted together. No, it wasn't a trailer trick. Harmony of Despair allows gamers to play at three levels of zoom: close, medium and far. The far view lets you see an entire level of the game. There are at least a half-dozen of them. The game supports multiple players, so at max zoom you could see someone else's hero in the castle as well.
We'll have more in the game later. I just saw the game in passing and had to shoot this video ... and show it to all of you.