The much-ballyhooed firmware upgrade that's supposed to make Microsoft's gaming console a hotspot for all sorts of TV content is facing unexpected delays, according to the company's chief Xbox Live representative. The update was scheduled to start rolling out this morning but Larry "Major Nelson" Hyrb indicated on Twitter that it may not be live until this afternoon Pacific Time.
Microsoft's implementing a number of changes with the upgrade, which is designed to create a foundation for viewing and engaging TV/movie content on the console, as well as launching voice-activated Bing searches via the Kinect sensor. They've got multiple content partners in the pipeline waiting to take advantage of the new functionality, as well as millions of users waiting to try out features like Roaming Profile, Beacons and Cloud Saves. But, for reasons that aren't yet disclosed, everyone's going to have to wait a little bit longer. We'll update this story as more information becomes available.