That Mass: We Pray trailer posted earlier this week? Totally Dante's Inferno marketing. And well done too, as numerous sites both within and outside the video game coverage space posted it as genuine.
But marketing it is, the latest in Electronic Arts' attempts to drum up interest in Visceral Games' Dante's Inferno, due early next year. We'll just have to wager a guess that the spot, the web site, the cross controller and kneeler accessory were the work of ad firm Wieden + Kennedy, responsible for some of EA's previous viral and non-traditional ads, like the Tiger Woods "Jesus Shot" video and Spore billboard campaign.
Mass: We Pray ties into the Heresy circle of Dante Alighieri's version of Hell—and the level of the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PSP game—but also lets Facebook users "damn" their friends and acquaintances. But that's not a very nice thing to do.