Toshihiro Nagoshi, who picked making video games over making porn, took a whiff of "Black Dragon" cologne, which is doing an in-game collaboration with the upcoming Yakuza: Of the End.
香水に詳しい名越監督にビックリ!? 『龍が如く』コラボ香水を開発スタッフが語る [電撃オンライン via はちま起稿]
Toshihiro Nagoshi, who picked making video games over making porn, took a whiff of "Black Dragon" cologne, which is doing an in-game collaboration with the upcoming Yakuza: Of the End.
香水に詳しい名越監督にビックリ!? 『龍が如く』コラボ香水を開発スタッフが語る [電撃オンライン via はちま起稿]