Back before Sega game designer Toshihiro Nagoshi turned golden brown, he was just another kid from rural Japan, moving to Tokyo, trying to make it big.
Originally, Nagoshi wanted to make films. "I graduated with a film degree," Nagoshi tells website ZakZak, "but at that time the Japanese film industry was in a shambles and work meant either being an assistant director for TV or a porno director."
"That's not why I came to Tokyo," adds Nagoshi, who also talks about issues he had at home, which led him to leave when he was 15. While still in college, his girlfriend gave him a Nintendo Famicom console. Young Nagoshi didn't have much money at that time, and he'd spend all day playing Famicom games.
"I started thinking that video games were really interesting and wanted to make them," says Nagoshi. And the future game creator got a job at Sega. The first game he produced, Daytona USA, was a hit, and Nagoshi went to produce a slew of high profile titles.
And while Nagoshi never directed a porn flick, that hasn't stopped porn actresses like Rio and future porn actress Erena Aihara from appearing in his games. You could say Toshihiro Nagoshi has come full circle.
No, no, actually, don't say that.
【名越稔洋】徹底的に熱く!一躍その名を知らしめた「龍が如く」 - ぴいぷる [ZAKZAK] [Pic]