Microsoft's Xbox team of executives must be shrieking like teenage girls in the 60's at the moment, what with the amount of Beatles-related cash-ins on the horizon for Xbox Live.
With The Beatles: Rock Band due on September 9, Microsoft have announced a range of ways users can "relive the magic of Beatlemania", which include:
1vs 100 - On August 29, Harmonix will be taking over the online game show, with a Q&A session to be held with "some of the creative minds" behind the game, followed by two episodes of the show devoted entirely to Beatles trivia.
Avatar Clothing - Anyone buying The Beatles: Rock Band will receive a free Beatles t-shirt for their avatar.
Charity - "All You Need Is Love" is being released as downloadable content exclusively for the Xbox 360. That we knew. What we didn't know is that all proceeds made from the sale of the song (at 160MSP) will be donated to Médecins Sans Frontières.
Vids - A series of music videos, live recordings and documentaries will be released in the days after September 9, including "Imagine: John Lennon".
Lord help those of us who use Xbox Live and don't actually like The Beatles that much...