One contest ends, another starts. That's the circle of Kotaku life. This time around we are giving away three copies of Arcade Mania, the arcade book I wrote. And if you want, I'd be perfectly happy to sign your winning copy (should you win) and forever devalue it so that you'd never be able to re-sell it. You'd be stuck with it forever. What. A. Drag. If you don't want me to sign your winning copy (hey, I sure as shit wouldn't), then you'd get a free copy of the book. YOUR CHOICE.
Here's the contest: Make a diorama. Well, don't just make any diorama, make an arcade-themed diorama. Use your imagination! Take a picture of it and send it to kotakucontestATgmailDOTcom. Be sure to include a Kotaku sign and an Arcade Mania sign in the picture. The contest ends on December 19. We'll try to post as many finalists as possible, but we won't post all finalists. GOOD LUCK!
Those not interested in the contest, Arcade Mania is currently available on Amazon. CheapAssGamer's CheapyD has posted a video review of the book right here.