I was going to buy a PS5. As someone who’s primarily been a PC games player, with Nintendo handhelds on the side, picking up a console at its launch is something I’ve never done. I drift in later, when availability isn’t an issue, and there’s already a pile of games to plunder. But I was ready to get myself a PS5.
The main motivation was the games. I want to play Spider-Man: Miles Morales so very, very much. Spider-Man was amazing, obviously, and Miles Morales is my favorite character in superhero comics. Then a sequel to one of my favorite games ever, Horizon: Zero Dawn, sealed the deal. As much as the expense would be tough to justify, I intended to fork out for a PS5 as close to launch as pre-ordering opportunities would allow, so I could immediately enjoy two games I felt could be presumed worth paying for.
Living in England, I’d booked a pre-order space on a UK site a couple of months back, that was meant to put me in line to pre-pay for one as soon as possible. It was as I was frantically trying to find out why this hadn’t worked, and how the offending site was already sold out, that I discovered how fortunate I’ve been. Because Miles Morales and Horizon: Forbidden West are coming out for the PS4 I already own.
It is the most extraordinary decision. Not least after Sony spent so much of the last six months insisting they had no intentions to do any such thing. As GI.biz reported back in May, PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan made it clear: “We believe that when you go to all the trouble of creating a next-gen console, that it should include features and benefits that the previous generation does not include. And that, in our view, people should make games that can make the most of those features.” Um.
I’ve no intention to buy a PS5 in 2020! The stress of trying to, of being on a 24-hour vigil for tweeted links to picosecond-long pre-order availabilities, all gone! The frustration of discovering that Europe isn’t getting them for a week after they’re released in the thriving metropolises of New Zealand, it matters not a jot. Because I already own a console that plays the games I was so excited about, so now I’ll buy them for that.
I’ll likely buy a PS5. Probably some time late in 2021, when all those launch issues are ironed out, but ahead of the second Christmas rush. There will already be rumors of a PS5 SlimPro, but I’ll ignore them and get the lumpy version people will laugh at in five years time. And I won’t mind a bit, because until then apparently Sony’s planning to release everything I care about on the PS4.