If things had gone differently this year, it would be your deputy editor fishing against MTV host Sway in a video game Bass Pro Shops battle.
Until May, it was yours truly who engaged in any of the goofy on-camera video game battles and antics at MTV. Most regrettably, I lost to Soulja Boy playing Street Fighter II during a match in which I failed to throw a fireball on camera (someone must have edited it out).
I switched gigs in May and came to Kotaku. After I left, the talented Russ Frushtick took my desk, the reins of MTV's gaming blog, and the role of official video game competitor at MTV News. He was recently filmed in an Xbox 360 Bass Pro Shops: The Strike duel with MTV News host Sway — who, of all things, had visited the Nintendo Retro offices in Austin with me a few years back while Metroid Prime 3: Corruption was in development.
Maybe Russ is the better man for that job, because he won his competition. Check out video of the battle at the MTV Multiplayer blog. Just note that MTV region-blocks its video from users in Canada and the UK. If you're from elsewhere and want to see how the fishing-pole controller works with the game, take a look.
Way to out-fish the man, Russ!
Sway vs. Frushtick: The Ultimate Video Game Fish-off (Video) [MTV Multiplayer]