Memorial Day means sales, and more than just tires, bedroom furniture and vinyl siding. Let's check in on the value-added shopping you can do this long weekend.
• Typically the 160GB PS3 bundle runs you, what, $499? Well, here's one for $399. Plus, the Uncharted: Drake's Fortune bundle comes with free shipping. Anywhere else and it costs you a hundy more. [via TechDealDigger]
• Want a 360 bundle instead? Dell (which is offering the PS3 deal above) will let you have 360 Elite with Halo 3 and Fable II for $339 ($60 off) plus free shipping. [via Cheap College Gamers]
• We're always in need of controllers, right? If you want a black wireless one for the Xbox 360, they're $30 with free shipping, a savings of at least $8 normally. [via TDD]
• Since the key here is the accessory, I guess this is filed under hardware. Best Buy is offering 20 percent off on console accessories with the purchase of any game. Accessories means controllers, Wii gadgets, Rock Band instruments, and the Xbox 360 WiFi doodad. The sale is online only and excludes PC gaming accessories. [via Cheap Ass Gamer]
• Just a reminder, Team Fortress 2 is free to play through Monday, if you want to huck a jar of No. 1 at the Spy. And who doesn't, really. Valve's also enticing you with a $9.99 sale price, this weekend only, if you want to play it after Monday.
• Cheapy D also reminds us that GoGamer is having a Memorial Day blowout, cutting prices on five dozen games over the next 48 hours. Terminator: Salvation and inFamous are two of the new releases among the lot. [via CAG]
As always, smart gamers can find values any day of the week, so if you've run across a deal, share it with us in the comments.