Crush the retailers! See them driven before you! Hear the lamentations of the publishers!
• Personally, I'm furious about this, as I bought one half the size for more money in January. But whatever, the Xbox 360 250GB hard drive is $103.99 at GameStop today only; there's a coupon that expires today. Get it at the link. Plus the thing is so new GameStop hasn't had time to refurb it and package it in a ziploc baggie. [Dealzon]
• This is another of those free weekends at Steam, this one involving Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but a couple caveats. First, whatever you download is free to play this weekend only. It sounds like you have to download the entire 12 GB game, and there was some issue going back to Thursday with only 4 GB of that being made available in the preload. Steam's extended the free weekend to Monday, and buying the full game is $50.99 until 10 a.m. then. It's full price afterward. You can put the $9 you save toward the Stimulus Pack when that drops on May 4. [Steam]
• Sounds like Borderlands is the gold box deal at Amazon beginning in an hour and lasting for the next three. "A great role-playing shooter for your PC." Given that's the game that coined the term, it probably can't be any other. [Amazon via Cheap Ass Gamer]
• You can now pay $20 less to die 1,000 percent more than you do in other games. Demon's Souls (PS3 exclusive) is $39.99 at GameStop with coupon code ENT20. [TechDealDigger]
• Today is the last day you can get Mass Effect 2 cheap and Mass Effect 1 free at Amazon (360 version.) It's $48.54 and gets you the first game for $0 (ordinarily $19.99). [Dealzon]
• Also at Amazon, pre-orders of Super Street Fighter IV (PS3 $37; Xbox 360 $40) get you $10 bonus credits and the Super Classic Costume Pack, which "features all-new alternate costumes for Guile, Blanka, Dhalsim, Gen and Fei Long." [Dealzon]
• Dell Home has a white Nintendo DSi for $129.99. Next best price is $170. [Dealzon]
• Want games with that? Go to, running a 2-for-$30 deal. Choose from 66 titles and get a free accessory. Shipping is just $3.97. [Dealzon]
As always, smart gamers can find values any day of the week, so if you've run across a deal, share it with us in the comments.