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Unicorns Of Love Show Why Competitive Gaming Needs Mascots

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Unicorns of Love are a European League of Legends team. They also just defeated North American’s Team Solo Mid in the semifinals at the Intel Extreme Masters XI season tournament going on right now in Oakland, California. As a result, the team known for its quirks and unpredictability will go on to the finals to await the winner of Flash Wolves vs. Longzhu Gaming.

But nothing was a more perfect encapsulation of why so many adore the team than the way its manager celebrated victory. This isn’t the first time Romain Bigeard has donned his Unicorn horn and hopefully it won’t be the last.


Clearly more teams need to take a page out of Unicorns of Love’s book and start giving themselves, and fans, the kind of morale support that can only come from dressing up like imaginary creatures. This is why NFL teams have been doing it for decades. Who didn’t feel a bit better about the Pittsburgh Steelers chances when Steely McBeam showed up?

You can watch the semifinal match, followed by the finals at 8:00PM EDT, below.