Four popular electronic musicians remixed a handful of songs from Sucker Punch’s upcoming open-world samurai game, Ghost of Tsushima. The result, an EP called Sound of the Storm - Ghost of Tsushima Soundtrack: Reimagined, is officially out today, and I cannot stop listening to it.
It’s so good I’ve—and you’ll never believe this—decided to not listen to “Lo-Fi Beats To Chill/Study/Relax To” on infinite repeat.
Featuring one track each from Tycho, TOKiMONSTA, The Glitch Mob, and Alessandro Cortini (Nine Inch Nails, Sonoio), Sound of the Storm clocks in at an all-too-brief 18 minutes. TOKiMONSTA and The Glitch Mob’s remixes—”The Ghost Burns” and “Saikuron,” respectively—are heady, anthemic jams that wouldn’t be out of place in a Brooklyn warehouse rave. Cortini’s “Bushido,” meanwhile, sounds like something from a Deus Ex game.
But the standout track, without question, is Tycho’s remix of “Ghost of Koduko.” It’s characteristically chill and ambient. Tycho fans will be happy to hear that signature head-in-the-clouds Tycho tone—the one that sounds much like life does after you’ve consumed a bit too much of a certain illicit substance. I’ve had it in on repeat all day. You can, too. The Sound of the Storm EP is available in full on Spotify:
Ghost of Tsushima’s complete, non-remixed soundtrack comes out on July 17, digitally or as a two-disc vinyl set. You’ll also be able to listen to it while playing the game, which comes out the same day.