Tim Langdell's released a lengthy statement - including e-mails between himself and Mobigame - presenting his version of events in his efforts to protect the trademark "Edge," and defending himself against the portrayal of his actions by the gaming press.
We've written four stories on Langdell, and sought comment without luck multiple times. The man is entitled to his say, and here it is. It's a 13-point document, making the following assertions:
• Edge never demanded money from Mobigame
• Mobigame proposed Edge give it money to use the mark "Edge"
• Edge has never acted as "trademark trolls"
• Edge acted well in the "EDGY" matter [this was the proposal to rename EDGE as EDGY]
• Mobigame has only pretended to want to change the name of its game
• Mobigame has persistently demanded Edge give up its rights to the mark "Edge"
• Mobigame has lied so as to defame Edge and its CEO Tim Langdell
• Mobigame deliberately selected EDGE as the name of its game in 2008
• How many games we have produced in the past 5 years
• Insight into the "Mirrors (by) Edge" matter
• Details of our game credits system
• "Edge of Twilight" [the matter concerning Langdell's filing of that mark this year, the name of a game under development by Fuzzyeyes since 2007].
• False accusations against Edge
One thing, as Kotaku is mentioned in the "Edge of Twilight" portion of this statement. Fuzzyeyes' CEO did in fact release a statement on July 23 (nearly two weeks after the story ran) saying any potential disputes between them had been amicably resolved. I have updated the July 11 story to reflect the statement of Fuzzyeyes' CEO.
Public Statement Regarding Mobigame [The EDGE Studios]