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This Week in the Business: What Have You Done For Me Lately?

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What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...

QUOTE | “If your latest game doesn't do well that's probably the end of it for you no matter whether you're big or small.”—Dan Paladin, developer of Castle Crashers, talking about how unstable the industry is for both large and small developers.

QUOTE | “We believe PS4 has everything required to stay competitive in this changing landscape.”—Quantic Dream co-founder Guillaume de Fondaumiere talking about how consoles and PS4 in particular will still offer compelling opportunities despite the rise of mobile and other platforms.


QUOTE | “Mobile will become the primary screen for gamers.”—Juniper Research talking about the swift rise in gaming on tablets and smartphones.


QUOTE | “'It's so far fetched that it comes to a point where it's kind of funny.”—Game designer Goichi Suda, better known as Suda51, talking about why he likes to put over-the-top violence in games like Lollipop Chainsaw.


STAT | 72% – Percentage of gamers playing online, according to NPD; this is up from 67% last year, and gamers are playing 9% more overall.

QUOTE | “I don't think I'd spend $80 million on a risky title. I would spend $80 million on 80 risky titles.”—Compulsion Games' Guillaume Provost, talking about how he as an indie gamer would approach AAA publishing.


QUOTE | “In five years I don't think there'll be a reason to have a tablet.”—Thorsten Heins, CEO of Blackberry, showing the marketing savvy that's led to Blackberry losing the lead in smartphones.

QUOTE | “Even though we have used bans, as a developer that is the worst action.”—Jeffrey Lin, lead designer of social systems at Riot Games, talking about how Riot tries to reform toxic players instead of banning them.


QUOTE | “They're wearing it—hats, shirts, hoodies, backpacks, shorts, socks, flip flops and probably, if you looked, their underwear.”—Jon Buller, VP of swag maker Marketing Instincts, talking about how much gamers love game-related merchandise.

STAT | $11.9 billion—Amount that the PC online game market in China will rake in this year, according to research firm Niko Partners; growth is expected to slow but still add more than $2 billion each year.


QUOTE | “Next generation, everything's going to have to be destructible.”—Andrew Bowell, worldwide head of product management for Havok, talking about how physics is getting more popular in games.

QUOTE | “Treat it like a book; why not make a movie where the game started?”—James McTiegue, director of V for Vendetta, talking about how to make a movie based on a game that won't suck.


QUOTE | “Nobody wants to be told there are bugs in their work.”—David Deeble, former QA tester, talking along with other QA testers about how thankless and difficult their job can be.

This Week in the Business courtesy of GamesIndustry International

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