QUOTE | "It did remind me of [Kinect]. You kind of want to scream 'don't over promise these things.'" - Designer Peter Molyneux of 22cans, talking about Microsoft HoloLens from his perspective as an early Kinect developer.
Elsewhere in the business of video games this past week ...
QUOTE | "There have been a lot of crappy games with crappy free-to-play pricing models." - Robot Entertainment CEO Patrick Hudson, talking about why there's a "free-to-play stigma" among developers.
QUOTE | "Consumers have begun to ask 'What's the catch?' when downloading a free-to-play game." - Game publisher Tilting Point's VP of product strategy Jesse Divnich, talking about why their game Leo's Friend is premium priced rather than free-to-play.
QUOTE | "I think a lot of games have unrealistic forecasts. Everyone knows that they're unrealistic, but they have to have these unrealistic forecasts to justify the investment that's going into development." - Ninja Theory's Dominic Matthews, talking about why getting big games funded is difficult.
STAT | $100 million – Amount Star Citizen creator Chris Roberts expects the crowd-funded game will gather by its full public release in 2016; the total is close to $70 million now, with two of the six major segments released.
QUOTE | "The Disney Infinity platform is now the clear market leader." - Disney Interactive president James Pitaro said in a statement; "Skylanders continues its leadership position as the #1 kids video game franchise globally as well as in the US by wide margins," said Activision Publishing president Eric Hirshberg in a contradicting statement.
QUOTE | "The squeezed mid-tier now has a choice: become great and get bought, or slim down to become nimble like an indie and survive. Just being good is no longer good enough." - Tim Merel of analyst firm Digi-Capital, talking about the difficulties ahead for game companies.
QUOTE | "The year is 2020. Kickstarter is now the standard funding model for video games." - Tanya X. Short, CEO of Kitfox Games, making the case that crowd-funding is the right way to start game development for developers small and large.
QUOTE | "@PalmerLuckey: Super excited about @Microsoft @HoloLens!” Ditto! The more innovation and resources invested into AR and VR the better." - Brendan Iribe and Palmer Luckey of Oculus, among other developers giving their reactions to Microsoft's HoloLens announcement.
QUOTE | "We see tremendous growth and opportunity in the eSports space and we're excited to bring this expertise in-house." - William Morris Endeavor Entertainment head Jason Lublin, talking about why the world-famous talent agency acquired professional gamer talent agency Global eSports Management.
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