It hasn't been a good past few months for Japanese actress Aki Higashihara. Her blog—nicknamed the "Death Blog"—has been on a roll. That's...not good.
Higashihara's blog is called the "Death Blog" after the Japanese manga Death Note, because her entries seem to make bad things happen. Over the years, her luck has been infamously bad. As previously noted:
• Higashihara works as a campaign girl for the Dreamcast, and then the console is defeated by the PlayStation 2.
• She works as a campaign girl for loan firm DIC. DIC goes under.
• In 2007, she begins appearing on horse racing show Super Keiba. The show, in its 20th year on air, is cancelled three months later.
• In 2008, she states she'll marry at the Imperial Hotel. A fire breaks out at the hotel.
• In early 2008, Higashihara appears at a McDonalds for an event. Parasites are found in the burgers the next day.
• That same year, she appears in an ad for instant ramen. Later, parasites are found in that company's instant noodles and insecticides are found at the factory.
She was also blamed for killing the Nintendo Wii after buying the console and introducing it on her blog in late 2010.
Earlier this spring, she posted an image she took at Tokyo Disney Sea. The following day, there was an accident at Tokyo Disney Sea. Then last month, she wrote that she could see the newly built from where she lived. And, of course, the Sky Tree elevators stopped working.
The latest blog incident happened today. A baby panda that had been conceived naturally—the first in Japan since 1988— was born last week, and the entire country was happy about the news. Yesterday, Higashihara briefly wrote about pandas on her blog, starting her entry off by mentioning that her family went to bed at 8:30pm. This morning, the baby panda tragically died—at 8:30am. Online in Japan, the coincidence was quickly noted, and the story is now tearing up Twitter.
It's now to the point that any time anything bad happens, people check Higashihara's blog, and then blame said blog. It might even be a good idea for Higashihara to take an internet vacation—or even stop using pronouns or talking about the outside world on her site.
One critic even suggested that she start blogging about Japan's rivals at the London Olympics—you know, to use her seemingly endless bad luck for good.
Really, really sucks about the baby panda, though.
東原亜希「パンダでも育児放棄するんだと思うと ちょっと励まされるよね。。。」→パンダの子ども死亡 [Vipsister]