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Things Are Looking Grim For Beyond Good & Evil 2

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Shenmue III? Check. Final Fantasy VII remake? Check. The Last Guardian? Check. Beyond Good & Evil 2? Well, it’s complicated, but it’s not sounding good.

The last official footage released from Beyond Good & Evil 2 was a teaser trailer at E3 2009:

A few years later, leaked footage from the game seemed to surface.

As of E3 2014, Ubisoft said the game was still coming, even though we hadn’t seen it in years:

“In many ways, BG&E is an inimitable game - it appeals to all generations of gamers and is an inspiration behind many of Ubisoft Montpellier’s past and future games. It’s still far too early to give many details about this new title, but what we can say is that while Michel and the team at Ubisoft Montpellier are working with the core tenets of BG&E, they’re developing something that aspires to push past the boundaries of a proverbial sequel and leverages next-gen technologies to deliver a truly surprising, innovative and exceptional game. The entire team is excited about the direction this extremely ambitious project is taking, and we’ll have more to share later, as it progresses.”

Creator Michel Ancel started his own studio in 2014, but was apparently still tied to Ubisoft in some ways. This left some hope he was creating his new game, Wild, and Beyond Good & Evil 2.


Since Beyond Good & Evil 2 didn’t show up at anyone’s press conference, the wait began for someone in the press to ask Ubisoft about the game’s status. It’s an annual, depressing ritual.


The latest news came from GameSpot news editor Tamoor Hussain, who briefly talked about the project during a video about the then-upcoming Ubisoft press conference.


“I did some investigating on this,” said Hussain. “I wasn’t able to confirm this [for a news story]. I’ve never talked about this before. The problem I had was [that] it didn’t become a news story because I didn’t corroborate it enough to get it out there. But I’ve been told it’s been abandoned—in a big way. The studio has moved on. The key people from that studio that were making it moved onto other projects outside of Ubisoft. Like I said, I might be wrong on that, but I had enough of it to chase that small lead.”

Soon after, IGN reportedly spoke with Ubisoft senior VP of sales and marketing Tony Key, who said the company would “love to do another one.”


I say “reportedly” because IGN soon took the article down for reasons unknown. The cached version is still up. The article’s author, Mitch Dyer, hasn’t commented on the article’s disappearance, nor has IGN.

Ubisoft did not respond to my request for comment.

When asked about Ancel, Key seemed to confirm suspicions the developer wasn’t working on it.


“So he’s [Ancel] a busy guy right now,” said Key. “But no...He’s got things going on and I can’t really comment on his bandwidth. I know he’s very busy. We still work with him on things.”

It may be time to move on, Beyond Good & Evil fans.

You can reach the author of this post at or on Twitter at @patrickklepek.