Mafia II's arrival on Tuesday is this week's biggest highlight, with strong downloadable offerings in Shank (Tuesday on PSN, Wednesday on XBLA) and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (Wednesday on XBLA.)
Monday, Aug. 23
- And Yet It Moves (WiiWare)
- G.G Series: Ninja Karakuri Den (DS)
- Martian Panic (Wii)
Tuesday, Aug. 24
- Mafia II (PC, PS3, 360) - The long anticipated sequel to Illusion Softworks' - now 2K Czech - film-noir crime epic. PS3 buyers get the DLC "The Betrayal of Jimmy" free with the game.
- Shank (PSN) - Klei Entertainment's delightful, animated tale of overkill, revenge and death in the desert hits first for the PS3. It arrives on Xbox 360 on Wednesday.
Also: Elemental: War of Magic (PC); Grease: The Game (DS, Wii) Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns Arcade Hits Pack (Wii); Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar (DS); Ivy the Kiwi? (DS, Wii); NHL 2K11 (Wii).
Wednesday, Aug. 25
- Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (XBLA) - The side-scrolling beat-em-up cult favorite deploys for the Xbox 360.
Also: Jade Dynasty: Vengeance (PC); Shank (360) ; The Bachelor (DS, Wii) .
Looking Ahead
Aug. 31: Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, Metroid: Other M, Hydrophobia, Valkyria Chronicles II; Sept. 7: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, NHL 11, Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2, NHL Slapshot, R.U.S.E.; Sept. 14: Halo: Reach.
What are you getting? What do you want? What are you looking forward to? Sound it off below, and at #twig.