Thin week for The Week in Games. You can sense the pattern, big week of console releases, then thin week with mostly handheld drops. The pattern continues. Let us know if any of these get your gamer coin.
Monday (June 30)
1 vs 100 (DS)
The Immortals of Terra (PC)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (DS)
Roogoo (PC)
Tuesday (July 1)
Hail to the Chimp (PS3, 360)
AMF Bowling Pinbusters (DS)
Gears of War w/maps, GoW2 Preview (360)
Purr Pals (Wii)
Ducati Moto (DS)
Wednesday (July 2)
Dungeon Runners (PC)
Thursday (July 3)
Fading Shadows (PSP)