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The Total War series is getting an infusion of orcs and magic with the long-rumored Total War: Warhammer. Creative Assembly’s latest strategy game has been confirmed, though we don’t have a release date (or even year) quite yet.

Here’s how Sega and Creative Assembly are currently describing the game:

“Our rules have changed, and with change comes war on a scale as yet unimagined. Gigantic monsters, flying creatures, legendary heroes and storms of magical power take their place on the battlefield, alongside thousands of warriors clashing in real-time tactical battles. All at YOUR command. In the turn-based campaign game of statecraft & empire building, you will find the Old World an unforgiving and treacherous place, filled with endless war and cunning alliances alike. Whichever race you choose to play as and however you seek conquest, you will be faced with a conflict that threatens to tear the very fabric of reality asunder.”

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