Japanese fashion brand Super Groupies is collaborating with Konami for a series of Metal Gear Solid themed items. Let’s have a look!
Above and below, you can see the Foxhound labeled boots, with the gray color inspired by Solid Snake’s Sneaking Suit. The made-to-order boots are 19,800 yen ($190) and are reminiscent of Super Groupies’ far fancier Roxas Kingdom Hearts II boots.
They are...subtle. Maybe too subtle? A few more easter eggs in the design might’ve made them cooler. The other Metal Gear Solid gear from Super Groupies is way better. Like?
This backpack, for instance.
Or this watch. It’s inspired by the Codec screen.
And just look at the cool box it comes in.
Pre-orders for the Metal Gear Solid items start this week, with the goods shipping next spring.