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The King Of Fighters XIV Update Makes The Game Less Ugly

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On the top left we have a screenshot from the release version of The King of Fighters XIV, a game that transformed beautiful 2D characters into lifeless 3D husks. On the bottom right, a shot from the game’s 1.10 update, which is looking to add a little life back into the game. This is good.

The screenshot teasing the update’s appearance at this weekend’s PlayStation Event event might not look drastically different on its lonesome.

But when placed side-by-side with an original screenshot snagged by King of Fighters community manager Gatoray (via NeoGAF) the difference is immediately clear.


The shading, the lighting, and subtle bits of the character model itself are changed, creating a look that, while not perfect, is still a fair ways from the mannequin face of the original.


Plenty of fighting games get balance changes long after release. Not many of them get graphical updates. Good on SNK for addressing the look of The King of Fighters XIV as well as the feel.


The 1.10 update for the game will be playable at this weekend’s PlayStation Experience event