There has been much talk about gaming on the iPad, but not a whole lot of delivery.
In fact, I can only think of one game that I know of that will be made specifically for the iPad: Trism Spinoff. But even that didn't have much in the way of details.
Today, though, Secret Exit is showing off their iPad version of popular iPhone game Zen Bound. Zen Bound 2 is described as "both a sequel and a revision" of the original for the iPad. The new game will include new levels, more music, new kinds of gameplay and much more detailed graphics.
"The graphical fidelity on the iPad far improves on the critically acclaimed visuals of the first game - the surfaces are brimming with detail, vivid colors and subdued tones," according to the press release.
Looking at this pictures, I have to agree. The game is expected to hit around the same time as the April 3 release of the iPad.