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The Excellent Game Of Thrones Board Game Is Coming To PC

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Game of Thrones, which is maybe one of the best board games of the last decade, has long been a mainstay among my crew for its balance, ruthlessness and hilarity. And it’s now going to try and bring all of that to PC.


Publisher Asmodee Digital announced the game today, and in promising news the adaptation is being handled by Dire Wolf, the board game specialists behind the recent, and excellent, digital version of Raiders of the North Sea.

Image for article titled The Excellent Game Of Thrones Board Game Is Coming To PC

It’ll be out Q3 2020, and like Raiders looks to be simply taking the existing board game and bringing it to PC in the best board game adaptation way possible: by keeping the mechanics the same, but making the menus, animations and maps look like something we’re more used to in a video game.

Sadly the digital version looks to only include the base game (the board game has seen some pretty significant expansions), but this being a video game version of a Fantasy Flight board game, DLC additions to the map and faction list are surely just a matter of time.
