It should be no surprise that South Park: The Stick of Truth is chock full o' filth-flarn-flarn-filth-flarn and hellbent for an M-for-Mature rating. It's still fun to hear the ESRB reading the dialogue aloud from its fainting couch.
The game includes several instances of mature humor and sexual material: one extended sequence depicts characters getting anally probed by alien creatures
Why, I do declare ...
[A]nother sequence (in an abortion clinic) depicts doctors using a vacuum to perform procedures on male characters
For heaven's sakes.
[O]ne level takes place inside the rectum/colon of a character (sex toys, random objects and fecal matter appear in the level).
My goodness!
[O]ne extended sequence depicts an out-of-focus couple having sex in the background; as players engage in turn-based battle in the foreground, sexual moaning sounds/dialogue is heard.
Well, I never!
The words "f**k," "sh*t," "a*shole," and "f*ggot" can be heard in the dialogue.
In other words, it's a South Park game, folks. It comes out in March. If it's being rated, there should be no more delays.