Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, a plant-based thriller about defrauding the federal government, is out with a new update today that adds more hats to the Switch version of the game, including one that definitely looks nothing like a Yoshi egg.
“Today Graffiti Games and Snoozy Kazoo added new hats to the Switch version of Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, including a dinosaur-egg inspired hat,” reads a press release. “You’ll access the hats from the mailbox outside of Turnip Boy’s greenhouse.”
The update also includes some bug fixes and gameplay tweaks. It was released last week on PC, but the dino-hat is unique to Switch. “The game was influenced by the ‘Yoshi Commits Tax Fraud’ meme,” a spokesperson for the game told Kotaku.
Before Nintendo’s legion of intellectual property lawyers start freaking out, the dinosaur-egg hat has four spots, whereas Yoshi’s has three. The hats also don’t seem to be hiding any Nintendo-inspired free fan games or 30-year-old ROMs either.
I instinctively distrust people who wear hats in real life, and I don’t particularly care about them in games, but Turnip Boy’s latest addition is a fun little dig at one of gaming’s most beloved company’s sometimes over-eager legal department. Stopping people from pirating The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild or using hacks in Splatoon 2? Sure. Killing a Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament because of players tinkering with the code in a 20-year old game that’s no longer sold? Seems a bit much if you ask me.
And if you haven’t checked out Turnip Boy yet, you should probably give it a second look. It’s a game about solving puzzles and battling monsters to pay off soul-crushing amounts of debt. So like real life but with the allure of some neat art and quirky humor. One of Kotaku’s old interns said it’s pretty good.