“Basically, from here on out, we want to make our games totally compatible with smart phones,” Level-5 founder Akihiro Hino recently told Nikkei Trendy. Hino also said it was necessary to bring console versions over, adding that recently children have been playing games on the smartphone.

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Yokai Watch 3 will be released in Japan on July 16. There will be two versions of the 3DS title: Yokai Watch 3 Sushi and Yokai Watch 3 Tempura.

It seems Yo-Kai Watch mania is cooling down in Japan. The latest forecasts predict slowing toy and hobby sales for the popular franchise: 30 billion yen (US$263 million) total sales for this fiscal year compared to 55.2 billion yen (US$484) total sales for fiscal 2015.

Video game character of the year? One of the creatures in Yokai Watch, the massive 3DS hit in Japan that comes to North America this Friday. Excerpt above is from a Nintendo press release, highlighting the sensation that is Snotsolong.
