At the beginning of 2015, I announced that my four-year-old JRPG column, Random Encounters, was coming to an end.…
In 2015, you liked reading about Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3. You liked lists of top games. You mourned the passing…
Lots of things got shaken up in the comics I enjoyed from the last twelve months, with characters and themes getting…
If games are a truly interactive medium, then it stands to reason that the people who play them have an unusual…
Another year is ending, and with it another year of our Ask Dr. NerdLove advice column.
Let’s talk about Games of the Year. And by Games of the Year we mean literally every game that came out this year.
Let us praise a thing that matters a lot in video games: the quality of an in-game map. Zooming in, let us heap…
My 2015 was a little bit like Luke’s: I never felt like I had a shortage of cool things to play at any given moment,…
If you’d have asked me at the start of the year what I thought my favorite games of 2015 would end up being, I…
Here we are again. It’s December. It’s time to look back at the year in Kotaku East that was. You ready? I know I…
2015 has been a weird year for me and video games. In one way, it’s been defined by the fact there’s been a shortage…
It was a damn shame Rise of the Tomb Raider came out on the same day as Fallout 4, wasn’t it? Nevertheless, release…
It was a hell of a year for video games, a wonderful mixture of long-awaited games living up to their potential, and…
It’s late December with just days to go until the clock strikes the new year, which makes it the perfect time for Kot…
Microsoft has created a nifty little Year in Review page for Xbox One and 360 gamers to check out their stats for 2015. Make sure you’re logged in to your Xbox Live account and hit up the page to see how you rank. Then share your findings here!
A lot of video games came out in 2015. Can they all fit into a two-minute video? (Most of) the best ones certainly…
We came, we saw, we played. We nominated, we debated, we decided. Here, in alphabetical order, are Kotaku's top…
Here we go again. For the ninth year in a row (since 2006!), I’ve counted up how many video games I either started…
2014 was a year. There were video games. Here are my favorites.