With Pandaren players able to choose either Horde or Alliance in the Mists of Pandaria expansion pack, World of…
Lording over the Mega Bloks booth at BlizzCon 2011, Doomhammer held high, World of Warcraft's Thrall would have…
Join me as I go on a mystical journey on the back of a giant turtle, learning the ways of the new Monk class, the…
Nothing starts the day like a heaping helping of the Angel of Justice, the latest extravagant character statue to…
Today was a good day to be a Blizzard fan. Blizzcon kicked off with a bang in California, revealing a batch of new…
When I first heard Mega Bloks was doing toys based on the World of Warcraft brand, I imagined a couple battlefield…
After collecting non-combat in-game pets for nearly seven years, Mists of Pandaria will finally give players the…
It's a Blizzfan's wet dream come true as iconic characters from various universes take armies into battle against…
Now that we know what the next expansion pack for World of Warcraft is, let's get some details about what's going…
I honestly was not expecting Mists of Pandaria to really be the next expansion pack for World of Warcraft, but here…
The next World of Warcraft expansion is called Mists of Pandaria, an expansion pack that includes a new race,…
Diablo III will be free to play for annual pass World of Warcraft subscribers, Blizzard announced at their…
The next chapter in the World of Warcraft, Diablo III, and StarCraft II saga starts here, at the BlizzCon 2011…
Half the joy of attending Blizzard's yearly celebration of all things Blizzard is opening up the sack of goodies…
I've been rolling and scrolling with a SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse on and off since 2008,…
In celebration of their upcoming World of Warcraft and StarCraft II lines, Mega Bloks is hitting BlizzCon 2011 big…
Own a piece of World of Warcraft history and help a good cause, as Blizzard prepares to auction off more than 2,000…
Like another man who has done such fine work for Blizzard, Mathias Verhasselt, Chris Thunig is here for one reason…
I love it when games are inspired by games that are nothing like them. Take sports games, and how they're up to…